Gynecological procedures
don't forget to bring your health insurance card; you can fill in the entry form from the comfort of your home here
the use of disposable mirrors reduces the risk of infection and increases the comfort of the examination; are intended for painless gynaecological examination
prescription drugs without control or to delay menstruation at the request of a patient
prescription drugs without control or to delay menstruation at the request of a patient
folliculometry is monitoring of infertility and it is an ultrasound examination, which is used to probe the condition of follicles in the ovaries; it is not performed once, but repeatedly, to monitor the growth dynamics of follicles and to predict the date of ovulation; recommended as one of the first simple examinations for women who fail to conceive; the day 2-3 days of menstruation is performed, when the cervix is permeable, the doctor will insert the intrauterine device into the uterine cavity using the enclosed introducer; after inserting the body, the loader is removed and at the same time the fibres of the body are cut with scissors so that it does not bother you and at the same time allows its removal
the 2nd - 3rd day of menstruation is performed, when the cervix is permeable, with the help of the enclosed introducer the doctor will insert the intrauterine device into the uterine cavity; after inserting the body, the loader is removed and at the same time the fibres of the body are cut with scissors so that it does not bother you and at the same time allows its removal
- actual introduction of the body without material: CZK 1 800
- introduction of intrauterine non-hormonal body incl. material: CZK 2500
- introduction of the intrauterine system Levosert incl. material: CZK 5 000
- introduction of the intrauterine system Jaydess incl. material: CZK 5 500
- introduction of intrauterine hormonal body Mirena, Kyleena incl. material: CZK 6 500
if the ordered date is not canceled min. 24 hours in advance except for acute conditions
Laboratory tests
culture examination makes it possible to determine the source of the infection from the vaginal sample
mycoplasma genitals - is a sexually transmitted bacterium; in women, it causes a genital infection and can lead to infertility; part of the male and female population is only a carrier of this bacterium and has no health problems;
ureaplasma parvum - this is a disease transmitted through sexual intercourse and during pregnancy from mother to fetus; most patients do not have any problems, but if complications occur, they are associated with inflammation of the urethra and cervix in women. Pregnant patients may experience health complications for the child in connection with this infection; especially with premature babies, infection with this pathogen poses a significant risk
chlamydia trachomatis - chlamydial infection is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria; the disease manifests itself in the vast majority of cases as inflammation in the urogenital tract or rectum; the disease can also take place covertly, because some of the infected do not experience any symptoms, such as discharge or pain in the genitals
AMH hormone - or antimullerian hormone - is produced in women by ovarian granulosa cells and controls the process of egg maturation; its level is directly related to the number of eggs; according to its amount in the blood, it is possible to estimate quite accurately how many eggs the woman still has left and what her chances are of conceiving naturally, or how many eggs she will be able to obtain during IVF; Hormone levels should be checked by every woman who is over 28 years old and is considering postponing parenthood.
ovarian reserve capacity - the ovarian reserve is a term for evaluating ovarian capacity; provides information on the reserve number of eggs/oocytes that the ovaries can provide for possible fertilization; Determining the reserve is important in the treatment of infertility
toxoplasma (IgM, IgG) - is a parasitic disease of humans and animals caused by the single-celled element Toxoplasma gondii; incubation period is 1-3 weeks; the infection spreads from the cells of the intestinal mucosa through the blood and lymphatic route; it is an animal-to-human disease
for occult stool bleeding - reading by the instrumental method, without diet, single collection
LBC alone - CZK 900
LBC + HPV - CZK 2 000
LBC (liquid-based cytology) - this is the collection of cells from the cervix, which is part of a preventive gynaecological examination once a year; the new LBC method significantly improves the quality of the examination and increases the possibility of early detection of serious cellular changes in the cervix; at the same time, this method allows the detection of the type of HPV virus that causes a serious cervical disease from one swab already taken; the examination is painless, it is performed in an outpatient clinic and the brush with the collected cells is "washed" in a special fixation fluid in which the cells are transported to the cytology laboratory; in the laboratory they are then evaluated in two ways: by microscopic examination or by the human eye by a specialist - cytopathologist and subsequently repeatedly evaluated by an electron microscope, which can find and mark even a single abnormal cell in a clear field; this process significantly reduces the risk of changes in these cells
HPV TEST is a new, modern automated method that directly detects the presence of high-risk types of HPV infection; cervical smear DNA analysis can accurately determine the presence of HPV and determine the degree of cancer risk; unlike traditional cytology, this test allows the presence of HPV to be detected long before pre-tumour or tumour changes in cervical cells can be observed as a result of its action
HPV Gardasil9 protects against diseases caused by HPV viruses; human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a viral infection that is transmitted mainly through sexual contact through direct contact with an infected person; it is the world's most widespread sexually transmitted infection; there are more than 100 types of HPV viruses; about 40 of them can infect genitalia; At least 14 types of HPV that are classified as high risk can cause cancer such as cervical cancer in women
Pregnancy procedures
it is a single pregnancy urine test in the form of a strip; serves for early detection of pregnancy before the start of planned menstruation; the test responds to hCG in the urine that forms after the placenta forms shortly after fertilization; thanks to the high sensitivity of the test, it is possible to detect pregnancy for approx. 7 to 10 days after the fertilization of the fertilized egg in the uterus; the test result is known after only 5 minutes; the test is intended for home and professional use and is certified
these are 2D photos from a sono examination
the most commonly used sex test is ultrasound; This examination is routine and is performed around the 18th week of pregnancy on all pregnant women
with this request it is possible to visit any facility performing abortion
including consultation of the result (determination of the risk of selected chromosomal defects - Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome)
4x 2D photo of the fetus, measurement of fetal growth at each visit, determination of the sex of the fetus, including first trimestral screening, contact with a doctor if necessary consultation
TRISOMY test plus and TRISOMY test XY are non-invasive prenatal screening examinations that can rule out selected fetal chromosomal disorders already in the first three months of pregnancy; it is an examination of the fetal DNA from the blood of a pregnant woman; TRISOMY test XY is an extended version of TRISOMY test; identifies the risk of complete trisomy of chromosomes 21, 18 and 13, fetal chromosomal sex and sex chromosome abnormalities; Trisomy test plus also detects possible chromosomal defects, which lack a very small part of genetic information (so-called fetal microdeletion) and this change is usually not possible to detect in the microscope
extract from medical records, duplicate of a prescription or incapacity for work or a form or pregnancy card, report to the employer or commercial insurance company without a doctor's request
possibility of obtaining a so-called second opinion; comprehensive consultation on infertility, endometriosis and fibroids
Gynecological procedures
comprehensive initial examination and subsequent examination of the uninsured patient, including cytology and ultrasound
it will be agreed upon between doctor and patient
endometriosis - during menstruation, particles of the endometrium, ie the lining of the uterine cavity, leave the woman's body; in some cases, these hormone-altered mucosal particles do not leave the body, but enter the abdominal cavity, where they can attach to other female organs in the pelvic floor; in addition to these reproductive organs, endometriosis can also affect more distant organs, such as the lungs or the brain; this can lead to scarring between the organs of the small pelvis; manifests itself in painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), pain (pelipathy), dyschesis (pain in stool) or dyspareunia (pain in intercourse); Diagnosis is sometimes very difficult and is in the hands of an experienced sonographer
fibroids - are benign structures formed from the uterine muscle; they may occur sporadically, but more than one may occur at a time; why they are formed is not entirely clear, but it is known that their growth is linked to the fertile period of women; they can be several millimeters in size, in some cases up to centimeters; during the fertile period, women can lead to infertility and the risk of miscarriage; it is important to prevent this and treat it in time
The price list is valid from 1 February 2022
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